Where do I begin? Cameron Duff Jones was born on Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 10:37 am. I delivered at
New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, NC. My pregnancy went really well. I felt good through most of pregnancy except toward the end. I was big and uncomfortable. Sleeping was beginning to be a problem because I made numerous trips to the bathroom during the night and I could only sleep in one comfortable position. As it got closer toward Cameron's birth my patience got shorter. I could not wait to meet our little man.
As some may know, our anniversary was on August 1. Brian and I knew we couldn't make a trip for our anniversary because my due date was August 6. We decided we would celebrate our anniversary by staying in Wilmington on our anniversary weekend. We reserved a room at the Hampton Inn across from the hospital "just in case" I went into labor. We made sure we packed our hospital bag and anything Cameron may have needed. I honestly did not think Cameron would come into the world the day before our first anniversary. Only July 30, I had my 39 week appointment at my doctor in Wilmington. I was already dilated to almost a four when she checked me that Friday. She decided to "strip my membranes"(very very uncomfortable)to see if that would speed things up. She told me that she felt like I would not make it through the weekend and I would go into labor. I was in a bit of denial because I knew that first time pregnancies normally went over the due date. After leaving the appointment, Brian and I went to the mall and walked. We walked that mall up and down. I felt uncomfortable throughout the day, but not enough to say I was in active labor. After a relaxing afternoon and evening, we decided to call it a night. About 1:00 am I started to have major cramping and I thought "could this be it?" I timed how long the cramps lasted and the time in between each cramp. I laid there over an hour before I woke Brian and told him I was having contractions. I had worried I wouldn't know if I were in active labor, but let me tell you there is no mistaking a labor contraction. It literally stopped me in my tracks and all I could say was ouch. About 2:45 am I decided it was time to go to the hospital. Thank goodness it was only across the street from the hotel. When I got to the hospital I was dilated to a six. Brian called my parents and his parents to let them know it was time. The pain was beginning to become unbearable and I knew I had to have an epidural. My epidural worked wonders and I felt little pain. I was still uncomfortable but I was a lot more pleasant.
After laboring actively about nine hours, I pushed for 20 minutes and Cameron Duff Jones was born. The moment was surreal. I can't fully describe it in words, but it was one of the greatest moments of my life. I looked at this little life that I harbored inside of me for nine months. The love I felt for him was immediate. I loved him before his birth but to see him and touch him was amazing.
Cameron will be one month old tomorrow (August 31). What I have learned in the last month I can't fully describe. Brian and I have learned to live on less sleep. The first week Cameron was home was the most challenging. He would sleep during the day and stay awake at night. He has gotten better about sleeping at night which has allowed Brian and I to sleep more. Cameron is our joy. We love him and we love spending time with him. I feel humbled and overwhelmed(at times) to be Cameron's "mommy". It is a great responsibility. We are his caregivers. We are his example. It's not so overwhelming to take care of his physical needs--that's really the easy part. The overwhelming part is to teach Cameron the values we have and hope he makes them his own. I desire to see Cameron love and worship God fully. I want Cameron to take seriously Jesus' command to love God and love others. I know Cameron will make mistakes--we all do. I pray I can show him the grace I have been shown in my life. I pray Cameron knows and feels the love we have for him. I pray for grace and strength as I nurture him and parent him.
This is an amazing journey Brian and I are own--we are learning as we go. It has made me (I can't speak for Brian) to slow down and savor each moment. Cameron's getting older and changing each day. I will never get these moments back and so I cherish each.