Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8, 2008

Two years ago today, Brian asked me to be his wife. Life hasn't been the same since. I can honestly say I love Brian more today than I did when he asked me to marry him. We didn't know what life would bring when we embarked on this journey together, but we did promise to be there for one another. Our lives have changed so much in these last two years. We didn't know that within four months of being married we would be pregnant. Now we are parents and we wouldn't have it any other way. Brian is an amazing father--he is so wonderful with Cameron. I love watching the two together. He talks to Cameron about everything--Cameron already knows all the Duke basketball statistics and stories.
Brian is also an amazing husband. God truly blessed me with my life mate--he was the guy I prayed for all those years. Brian is my best friend, my confidant, and my life. I love being with him and doing things with him. I love that he is the father of my child and our future children. Marriage isn't easy-it's definitely give and take--but I truly love being Brian's wife.
Yes, I will never forget the day Brian asked me to marry him. My life changed that day and has never been the same.

Darius Rucker sings it best in his song "This", "Thank God for all I missed, cause it led me here to this."