I don't want Makayla to lose the magic of Christmas. She and I both know the true meaning of Christmas, but there is something magical about waiting for Santa. I remember several sleepless Christmas Eve's when I anticipated Santa. It was a magical moment. I'm not terribly sad that Makayla doesn't really believe in Santa. I'm sad because her childhood innocence is slowly being lost. Makayla can see the world for what it really is. She already knows the injustice and inequality that is in our society. She is beginning to realize that life is tough. This is what saddens me the most. I want to protect Makayla as much as I can, but in many ways I can't. It is natural for children to grow up. I wish I could keep them little forever. Maybe somewhere in our hearts, we can hold onto the magic and innocence. Maybe, just maybe...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Christmas Magic
My 9 year old cousin, Makayla, and I were having an intriguing conversation about Christmas several days ago. Much to my surprise, Makayla is questioning the validity of Santa Clause. When I heard this, my heart broke a little. At that moment, I realized that Makayla was growing up and entering the world of adolescence. She is no longer the baby I once held in my arms. I was at the hospital the day she was born, and I have always felt a strong connection to her. Nine years old is the age where a child does question the validity of Santa Clause. I suppose it is a natural process. At nine years of age, a child can start reasoning at a higher level.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Peppermint Hot Chocolate
I love chocolate and I love peppermint. When these two are mixed together it is like heaven. If you never had Peppermint Hot Chocolate you are missing out. I suppose you would have to like chocolate and peppermint in order to enjoy this drink. When the thick liquid hits your tongue, you can taste the sweetness of the chocolate and the crispness of the peppermint. It is an amazing mixture. It is like Christmas in a cup.
I must admit this beverage is one my guilty pleasures. If this drink were alcoholic you could say I was addicted. This drink is one of the many things I enjoy about Christmas. When I sip this beverage, I am reminded of the many wonderful Christmases of the past. I think of my grandfather dressing up as Santa Clause and giving us our gifts. I am reminded of those trips to the Christmas tree farm to select the perfect tree. I remember the Christmas Eve Services I attended. Most of all I am reminded of what Christmas is really about. The greatest thing about Christmas does not cup. The greatest gift came in a filthy manger 2000 years ago. That trumps Peppermint Hot Chocolate any day.
where did my pot go?
In Tampa, Florida , a highway cleanup crew found 60 pounds of pot on the side of the road. The Florida Highway Patrol says this pot has a $54,000 street value. Some of the marijuana plants were freshly picked. The marijuana was either thrown off the vehicle or it fell. I'm siding with the later. I'm not an expert on pot or any other illegal narcotic, but I don't think someone would let that much money go on purpose. I know I wouldn't.
This story is humorous but sad. Many people struggle with substance abuse problems. These addictions have led to loss of relationships, job, and life. What is the church doing to help these people? In many cases, churches aren't doing anything. It's easier to shun addicts than it is to help them. I guess churches believe it's to messy of a process. Didn't Jesus say that following him would be messy? I believe he did. Loving our neighbor includes loving those who struggle with addictions. Jesus loves them. Why can't we?

Story and photo are courtesy of Yahoo.
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Weekend
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I, along with several other church members, had the opportunity to travel to the Operation Christmas Child distribution center in Charlotte, North Carolina. The center is a collection for thousands of shoe boxes. These shoe boxes are filled with toys, school supplies, clothing items, and hygiene items. These boxes will be distributed to millions of boys and girls around the world. At this collection center, volunteers from around the country come to inspect the boxes making sure they are filled with the appropriate items. For two days, I was one of those volunteers. As I was inspecting each box, I thought about all the "stuff" I had. I have much more than I need. At at that moment, I realized that I would not be satisfied with a shoebox full of little trinkets. I want so much more than that. I am a selfish person. There are so many people around me that have so little. Yet I complain, when my parents say that an IPod Touch is out of the question for Christmas.
In this selfishness the true meaning of Christmas is lost. The greatest gift has been given to me and that is Jesus Christ. He is the greatest gift I can show someone else. God does not care about the "stuff" I receive for Christmas. God is more concern with the love and generosity that is shown to others.
We all struggle with this selfishness at some point. I pray that we keep our eyes on the true meaning of Christmas. I pray we learn to give of ourselves every day of our lives.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Big Bug...oh my!

As I was browsing the news this morning, I ran across this eye catching story. Scientists have found a fossil of an enormous bug. This bug is the cousin of our present day scorpion. This scorpion was over eight feet tall. That's three feet taller than me. Yikes!
What I find amazing is that insects of that time were enormous. Many of them were the size of present day human beings. We think these things exist only in science fiction movies, but they in fact existed millions and millions of years ago. These creatures did not have natural enemies therefore they were around for a long time. The scorpions were cannibals that fought against one another.
I think this story is truly amazing and humorous. I am afraid of insects and spiders. I fear creatures that are a few centimeters long. If I came across an eight foot bug I would pass out. There is no way I could fly swat something that big.
I think God has a sense of humor to create something of this magnitude. I'm grateful I wasn't around to see this creation. I would have been bug food.
Photo is courtesy of Yahoo
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I often associate smells with places, people, or things whom have impacted my life. When I smell exhaust from a truck I am reminded of Trinidad. The summer of my senior year of high school I went on a mission immersion experience to the country of Trinidad. This trip had a profound impact on my life. It got me thinking about certain aspects of my faith.
When I catch a scent of chewing tobacco I am reminded of my grandfather. He chewed tobacco my entire life. When I smell it I smile because I have fond memories of my late grandfather.
When I smell manure of hog farm on a sultry humid day I am reminded of Wallace. Wallace is the town where I grew up. It is in Duplin County which is one of the largest livestock operations in the country. Smell the money. Wallace, population 3,364, is my home.
As I walking into my kitchen moments ago, I caught a faint smell of perfume. I immediately smiled because it reminded so much of my best friend. She wears different kinds of fragances. I don't get to see as much as I would like, but tonight I felt closer to her.
We often take the sense of smell for granted. I am grateful for being able to smell. It reminds of what I need to be reminded of....
When I catch a scent of chewing tobacco I am reminded of my grandfather. He chewed tobacco my entire life. When I smell it I smile because I have fond memories of my late grandfather.
When I smell manure of hog farm on a sultry humid day I am reminded of Wallace. Wallace is the town where I grew up. It is in Duplin County which is one of the largest livestock operations in the country. Smell the money. Wallace, population 3,364, is my home.
As I walking into my kitchen moments ago, I caught a faint smell of perfume. I immediately smiled because it reminded so much of my best friend. She wears different kinds of fragances. I don't get to see as much as I would like, but tonight I felt closer to her.
We often take the sense of smell for granted. I am grateful for being able to smell. It reminds of what I need to be reminded of....
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Yesterday I visited Mrs. Katherine and Mr. Clarence. They are members at Burgaw Baptist where I work. Mrs. Katherine is hooked up to a feeding tube because she can't swallow. She can't swallow because of the chemotherapy and radiation she took for esophageal cancer. When I leave from my visits with them I'm always in better spirits. They are pillars of strength. I complain too much about silly things. Mrs. Katherine has had this feeding tube for months but she never complains. She always says, "I'm going to get better." She never complains about her situation because she knows it could be worse. Mr. Clarence never complains about taking care of her. He's done majority of the domestic duties during the duration of her illness. He said when he took his vows on his wedding day he meant them...in sickness or in health...
They have an amazing testimony. I've only known them for a few months, but I thank God for them. They've taught me to keep going even when life is tough.
For as long as we both shall live....
They have an amazing testimony. I've only known them for a few months, but I thank God for them. They've taught me to keep going even when life is tough.
For as long as we both shall live....
Thursday, October 4, 2007
It has been a frustrating week. What else can I say? Trying to juggle both school work and church work is challenging to say the least. If I show school work more attention my church work is affected negatively and vice versa. I knew from the beginning what to expect with my school work. My assignments were spelled out the first day of the semester. I don't have too many surprises at school. Working in a church is a altogether a different story. I do what is in my job description, but there are always surprises. In recent weeks I have been handed extra work at church. I wonder if people actually know I am in graduate school. School, in it itself, is a full time job. Yesterday, I was at my breaking point. I could have walked out of the office and never looked back. Looking back, that is a decision I would regret. In reality I love where I work. Everyone treats me well and most are very supporting.
Where am I going with this?
I don't know. I'm not nearly experiencing the stress today as I have earlier this week. Last night, I needed a reality check. I was feeling sorry for myself. What good was that going to do? I've been teaching my youth that they are all wonderful creations made by an amazing creator. Funny I teach this because I don't always believe it. In fact, I sometimes question my belief in God. Yes, that is what I said. It's hard for me to believe when I see suffering and pain. One day in July, I stopped believing. I watched my grandfather suffer from one of the most aggressive and painful cancers around. The last two weeks of his life he couldn't keep food or liquids down. His body was engulfed with the worst pain imaginable. I heard him say, "I want to live, I want to live." He prayed and prayed he would get better. Yet, he died. He was one of the most honorable and bravest men I've ever met who I miss terribly. The day he died was the day I stopped believing...for a while.
I still struggle with unbelief, but at the end of the day I know God exists. During the moments of my unbelief, I hear a still small voice that says, "April, just trust me." I know where this voice comes from. When my unbelief is at its highest is when I experience God the most. This has come in a sunset, the laugh of children, a beautiful fall day, and many other times. He comes when I least expect it. God speaks to me through others around me. Little Hayes jumps in my lap, puts his arms around my neck, and his head on my shoulder. I squeeze him tight and say, "Hayes, I love you so much." I know the love I have for Hayes is not something I've created on my own. It comes from my magnificent creator. My Abba, My Friend. My unbelief is shattered and I have faith like a child....
Where am I going with this?
I don't know. I'm not nearly experiencing the stress today as I have earlier this week. Last night, I needed a reality check. I was feeling sorry for myself. What good was that going to do? I've been teaching my youth that they are all wonderful creations made by an amazing creator. Funny I teach this because I don't always believe it. In fact, I sometimes question my belief in God. Yes, that is what I said. It's hard for me to believe when I see suffering and pain. One day in July, I stopped believing. I watched my grandfather suffer from one of the most aggressive and painful cancers around. The last two weeks of his life he couldn't keep food or liquids down. His body was engulfed with the worst pain imaginable. I heard him say, "I want to live, I want to live." He prayed and prayed he would get better. Yet, he died. He was one of the most honorable and bravest men I've ever met who I miss terribly. The day he died was the day I stopped believing...for a while.
I still struggle with unbelief, but at the end of the day I know God exists. During the moments of my unbelief, I hear a still small voice that says, "April, just trust me." I know where this voice comes from. When my unbelief is at its highest is when I experience God the most. This has come in a sunset, the laugh of children, a beautiful fall day, and many other times. He comes when I least expect it. God speaks to me through others around me. Little Hayes jumps in my lap, puts his arms around my neck, and his head on my shoulder. I squeeze him tight and say, "Hayes, I love you so much." I know the love I have for Hayes is not something I've created on my own. It comes from my magnificent creator. My Abba, My Friend. My unbelief is shattered and I have faith like a child....
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
new blog...
Over the years I have written in several blogs. As time passed my interest in those blogs fizzled, and I simply stopped writing. However, I must have a blog for Ministry of Writing. Once again my thoughts will become public.
I love Saturdays in the fall. The main reason being college football. I love football and have every since I was six years old. My older cousin cheered for the high school team(Wallace-Rose Hill Bulldogs) and my mother took me to almost every game. Since I am female one would think I would want to be a cheerleader--not me. I didn't fall in love with cheering, I fell in love with the game of football. I was much more envious of the guys playing than I was of Amy cheering. I didn't see why I couldn't play. At six years old, I was already aware of gender roles and how unfair they could be. I didn't see why girls couldn't play football.
I'm 23 and still very much in love with the game. I love watching Notre Dame football, but unfortunately the team is off to a bad start....I guess I better get back to watching them lose...
I love Saturdays in the fall. The main reason being college football. I love football and have every since I was six years old. My older cousin cheered for the high school team(Wallace-Rose Hill Bulldogs) and my mother took me to almost every game. Since I am female one would think I would want to be a cheerleader--not me. I didn't fall in love with cheering, I fell in love with the game of football. I was much more envious of the guys playing than I was of Amy cheering. I didn't see why I couldn't play. At six years old, I was already aware of gender roles and how unfair they could be. I didn't see why girls couldn't play football.
I'm 23 and still very much in love with the game. I love watching Notre Dame football, but unfortunately the team is off to a bad start....I guess I better get back to watching them lose...
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